You want your WordPress site to offer the fastest, most accurate search experience. Swift search results keep your visitors happy and on your site longer. To help you improve search capabilities on your site, we’re launching WP Engine Search which is powered by Elasticsearch.

Starting today, WP Engine Search is a WP Engine Labs Alpha project. Just like WP Engine focuses on making WordPress great, Elasticsearch is built upon the open source Apache Lucene and focuses on making search great.

WP Engine Search provides you with a high availability, full text search engine. It’s wicked fast, and returns nearly real-time search results with high accuracy, sorted by relevance. WP Engine Search is available as part of the WP Engine platform. We do the heavy lifting for you, so you don’t need to contract with yet another vendor, and integrate it natively into your site, just to make search effective.

In addition to being faster and more accurate than standard WordPress search, WP Engine Search reduces the load on your database server by not performing a full-text scan on the database for every search operation. WordPress search, on the other hand, uses a simple MySQL query to find results and sorts search results by the age of the post.

Using WP Engine Search adds a host of other great search features as well, including:

  • More relevant search results
  • Autosuggest
  • Fuzzy matching (which catches misspellings and close queries)

Sign up now to let our team know you’re interested in the WP Engine Search Alpha project.

We’ve also launched the Alpha for WP Engine Related Posts. You can read more about it here.

For more information on Labs projects, click here.