WP Engine is excited to announce the availability of Flywheel Growth Suite for all sites hosted on our platform! 

Flywheel Growth Suite is the single platform WordPress agencies can use to manage their clients, sites, and billing, all under their own brand and under one roof. It keeps your agency organized to give you more time to focus on the important things: like finding new customers, building better sites, and taking on more projects. 

Screenshot from the Flywheel Growth Suite dashboard

Launched to a growing list of Flywheel customers in 2020, Flywheel Growth Suite has continued to evolve with the addition of new features and functionality based directly on user feedback. 

While those users (about 1,000 agencies and freelancers who have already generated nearly $10 million in revenue!) will be able to continue using Flywheel Growth Suite the same way they always have, WP Engine customers can now set up their account and access this powerful suite of agency tools as well!

screenshot from the WP Engine User Portal in which the Flywheel Growth Suite option is highlighted in the left-side navigation

Once you’ve signed up for an account, simply click on the Flywheel Growth Suite tab in the sidebar of your User Portal to start taking advantage of this all-in-one agency toolset that’s helping WordPress agencies and freelancers master their business growth and earn monthly recurring revenue.

Want to find out more? Keep reading for insights from Flywheel Growth Suite users and find out how they’re using its game-changing features to drive recurring revenue, effortlessly manage their sites, delight their clients, and streamline their workflows.

Freelancers & Small Agencies: A Unique Set of Challenges 

Growing agencies and freelance web developers face a unique set of challenges surrounding bandwidth and the ability to scale. While many of these businesses have cobbled together multiple tools to meet their immediate needs and challenges, this can quickly turn into a cobweb of disparate systems that end up limiting efficiency—i.e. the last thing a growing freelance or agency business needs! 

Flywheel Growth Suite was created to solve this problem once and for all. Offering an all-in-one client, billing, and website management solution that serves as your virtual administrative assistant, it’s the simple solution for WordPress agencies looking to scale their business quickly and predictably.

See how Flywheel Growth Suite has helped these agency executives reach their goals in the past and how they’re using it to set their sites on continued progress and prosperity.

Billing and Income Management

Flywheel Growth Suite’s billing tools do much more than simply processing client payments (although they’ll take care of that too). The platform takes the guesswork out of financial planning with easy-to-track MRR charts that show you where you’ve been, how much you’re earning now, and how you’re likely to grow in the coming months.

“Flywheel Growth Suite has fundamentally changed how I operate my business. It streamlines my workflow, gives a better experience for my clients, and has given me the means of creating monthly recurring revenue that is both easy and fun to track! I would not have the business (or the life) that I have today without the help of Flywheel Growth Suite.”

—Darren Peel, Founder at Extraordinary Brands

The white-labeled client portal creates a seamless experience for your customers who want to check their balances, pay for services, and more, all from a single portal that’s branded for your business. Your clients don’t need to know about us—they’ll simply see a beautiful, functional client portal that looks and feels like it’s coming straight from your agency!

“I liked the idea of having a steady, recurring income stream while also having full control of my clients’ experience. Reselling hosting through Flywheel Growth Suite makes it easy to create outstanding experiences for my clients.”

—Jason White, Founder at Imaginate Studio

No more late payments or juggling multiple accounts. Flywheel Growth Suite keeps tabs on the payments you’re expecting to come in, the ones that have already been paid, and the ones that are processing, so you know exactly what income to expect and when, right down to the penny.

“We have more than 100 subscription-based clients and every few months, a handful of them need to update their payment info. This used to be something that would pile up and we’d have to react. Now, we have a templated process in place, based around Flywheel Growth Suite, which helps us stay on top of all client payments and proactively reach out when things need to be updated.”

—Jason Call, Founder at Handyman Marketing Pros

Show your value by creating different services and service tiers, which you can then bundle into an easy-to-understand payment schedule for your customers. They’ll know exactly what they’re paying for, and you’ll be able to provide a more well-rounded picture of your services and their impact when payment comes due.

Client Communication

The only way agencies can grow is by building solid relationships with their clients. Using Flywheel Growth Suite, our agency customers are automating the check-in process to make client communication easy, saving time while simultaneously creating valuable customer touchpoints.

“Once we started using the reports, I saw its true value. Now, Flywheel Growth Suite is what we’re using as the foundation of our communication strategy.”

—Ryan Rudolph, Chief Technology Officer at GetPhound

The white-labeled client portal allows your clients to update their own payment methods and contact information, and that’s merely the tip of the communication iceberg. 

“My customers love Flywheel Growth Suite. The portal is easy for them to use, and because the platform is white labeled, everything they see looks and feels like it’s coming from my brand. I could go on forever about why I love Flywheel Growth Suite; it’s a truly hassle-free hosting experience not only for my clients, but for me as well.”

—Jason White, owner at Imaginate Studio

Automated client reporting with Flywheel Growth Suite makes transparent client communication simple and effective. Just set up your client report template including your logo and brand colors, decide what information you want to include, and schedule your reporting cadence. Flywheel Growth Suite will automatically send these regular reports to your clients at a frequency of your choosing!

“I like to keep moving forward and I’m not very patient. I don’t like doing tedious things and it’s a waste of talent to put our people on redundant tasks, but I like to have touchpoints with clients so we can start conversations about their site and goals. Flywheel Growth Suite allows us to do all these things without creating a lot of busy work.”

—Derek Nelson, Partner and Co-Creative Director at Focal Point Marketing

By keeping your clients in the know with transparent communication and easy-to-digest reports, you can build rapport and earn trust without endless back-and-forth email chains. Flywheel Growth Suite allows our agency customers to send updates and foster relationships that keep clients coming back with just a few clicks!

Website Management

Equipped with Google Analytics integration, plugin updates, and the ability to sort sites by details like WordPress and PHP versions, Flywheel Growth Suite makes it easy to see an overview of how all your client sites are performing without the need to dig into each site’s individual back-end framework.

“My favorite part is the Google Analytics integration. On those types of accounts, I’d typically be giving permissions to people to go in and view a dashboard which was overwhelming for some clients. The way Flywheel Growth Suite has it set up is much more digestible for them.”

—Derek Nelson, Partner and Co-Creative Director at Focal Point Marketing

Managing WordPress sites is faster and simpler with Flywheel Growth Suite. This platform pairs premium hosting capabilities with features developers and agency owners love, all backed by the power and support provided by WP Engine.

“If you work with WordPress—which you should—Flywheel Growth Suite is simply worth it, on a per-site basis, and overall. If you’re really serving your clients and looking out for their best interests, you shouldn’t run their sites on a discount host and you shouldn’t manage them with a bunch of disparate solutions.”

—Jason Call, Founder at Handyman Marketing Pros

Sometimes it’s difficult to explain to non-technical clients exactly what you’re doing for their websites day-to-day. With the flexibility to set unique pricing tiers for all the work you do, your customers get a better understanding of exactly what’s going on behind the scenes, so you can charge more accurately for all your hard work!

“Before, we just weren’t doing reporting on the web end. Now that these communications exist, we have the opportunity to upsell our web services without interrupting the work of our sales representative whose focus is elsewhere.”

—Ryan Rudolph, Chief Technology Officer at GetPhound

Get paid for everything you’re doing, including all the maintenance that comes after a site is built, when you manage sites on Flywheel Growth Suite. The platform tracks important technical information you can include when billing and sending reports, like how many plugins you’ve updated, to show clients why your agency is an invaluable resource.

Try Flywheel Growth Suite Today!

Take a test drive with our feature demos to see the power of Growth Suite with zero obligations, or talk with a representative about enabling Flywheel Growth Suite with a WP Engine account today!