Domain Name Servers (DNS) are the equivalent of The Yellow Pages for the Internet. They store and maintain a directory of domain names and translate them to Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Humans access information online via domain names like and web browsers communicate via IP addresses; a DNS translates domain names to IP addresses so browsers can load resources.

How does WP Engine use DNS?

The DNS is the system that connects your visitors to your site, you need to be sure it is configured correctly. Many people are intimidated by DNS configuration because of the fear that it’s frustratingly technical and confusing. In reality, the process is quite simple and correct setup ensures that you’ll never have to update your DNS again.

If you’ve launched a site on WP Engine recently you may have noticed a new feature that allows you to easily connect to your domain name to your site.  This integration is powered by an open source technology called Domain Connect, which enables WP Engine to find your DNS provider and be granted access to information about your DNS.  DNS management has been a major headache for our customers. It has been a confusing, manual process that often causes customers to reach out to our support staff for help. We love this technology because it makes connecting DNS to WP Engine simple.  And we love that it is open source.

WP Engine and the Domain Connect Project

To show our support for the Domain Connect project, WP Engine visited ICANN 63 in Barcelona to talk with DNS providers and Domain Registrars about the technology.  We were joined by representatives from other companies who have adopted the Domain Connect technology, including GoDaddy, Google, Microsoft and 1×1 IONOS. While attending the event representatives were able to discuss the open source project at 3 separate ICANN sessions and hosted a booth for companies interested in the technology to get their questions answered from engineers and product managers who’ve managed implementations for their company.  

WP Engine visited ICANN 63 in Barcelona to talk with DNS providers and Domain Registrars about the technology with the Domain Name Association, GoDaddy, Google Cloud, 1&1 IONOS, and Microsoft  

Since launching in 2014, close to 40 companies have already implemented Domain Connect.  After adoption companies have seen increases in Net Promoter Scores for customers using the technology and reduction in support requests related to DNS set up and Domain Mapping.

If you are a service or DNS provider and want to learn more about providing Domain Connect enabled services to your user, you can get involved at If you want to know more information about setting up your DNS on WP Engine, check out our Configuration Guide.