WP Engine Hosting Plans and Add-ons

The WP Engine User Portal enables users to make many adjustments to their plans through upgrades, downgrades, and add-on features. This page will guide you in which changes are possible as self-serve options in the User Portal, and what to do if the account change you want to make cannot be done on your own.

Upgrade, Downgrade, or Change Recurrence

If you wish to change your plan tier, this can be done in your User Portal. Only Owner level users may change a plan type.

  1. Log in to the User Portal
  2. Expand Billing
  3. Click Modify plan


Click Select this plan below a plan type. You may also select various types of packaged hosting plans, such as eCommerce, from the tabs at the top. You will receive an invoice via email which will also be available in your Billing page when the order has finished processing.


Click Contact us below the plan type to have our team begin the downgrade process. Ensuring you are within the lower plan’s limits for site, storage, and visits will help this process move more swiftly.

Plan recurrence or other downgrades

If you want to change your billing from annual to monthly, or monthly to annual recurrence, please send an email to [email protected] so we can make this change for you. Please include your name, email address, Owner support PIN, and recurrence (annual or month-to-month).

If you are unsure of which plan is right for your needs, please reach out to us via chat at the bottom of our plans page, and we are happy to help fit you to the right plan for your needs.

NOTE: Upon agreeing to the Terms of Service, your next bill may include:

  • Prorated credit (current plan) up to the end of the billing cycle
  • Prorated charge (new plan) up to the end of the billing cycle
  • Charge for your new plan’s next billing cycle

Purchase Add-Ons

If you wish to change your plan add-ons, this can be done in your User Portal. Only Owner level users may change plan add-ons.

  1. Log in to the User Portal
  2. Expand Billing
  3. Click Modify plan

Available Add-ons

Every plan includes 24/7/365 Support, Prod/Stage/Dev environments with each site, CDN, Genesis Framework, StudioPress themes, Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates, advanced network, and Page Performance. In order to help you run your business as easily as possible, we now offer the ability to self-serve many of our add-ons through the User Portal. The add-ons you can enable for your account vary by plan type.

Shared plans include Startup, Professional, Growth, and Scale. Dedicated plans refer to premium and enterprise plans hosting on a dedicated server.

  • Additional Sites
    • Shared plans can add more sites as-needed, up to a maximum from the Modify Plans page.
    • Dedicated plans do not have a site limit. If you believe you are having issues and need more server resources for sites, please reach out to your account manager for assistance with server resizing.
  • Storage
    • Shared plans can upgrade storage only by upgrading their plan.
    • Dedicated plans can upgrade storage based on plan type from the Modify Plans page. A migration is not required to upgrade storage, but be aware that if you have already purchased additional storage and wish to downgrade later, a migration may be required at that time.
  • Multisite
    • Cannot be added to Startup plans.
    • Can be added to shared plans above Startup from the Modify Plans page.
    • Included with dedicated plans.
  • Smart Plugin Manager
    • Can be added to shared and dedicated plans from the Modify Plans page.
    • Included with Managed Hosting Plus, Secure Hosting, and eCommerce plans.
  • Genesis Pro
    • Can be added to shared and dedicated plans from the Modify Plans page.
    • Included with eCommerce plans.
  • Global Edge Security
    • Can be added to shared plans from the Modify Plans page.
    • Dedicated plans may purchase this add-on by speaking with their account manager.
    • Included with Secure Hosting plans.
  • GeoTarget
    • Can be added to shared plans from the Modify Plans page.
    • Included with dedicated plans.
  • Application Performance Monitoring
    • Cannot be added to shared plans.
    • Dedicated plans may purchase this add-on by speaking with their account manager.
  • Instant Store Search
    • Not available as an independent add-on at this time.
    • Not available for Startup eCommerce plans.
    • Included with eCommerce plans above Startup.

NOTE: Currently Secure Hosting and Managed Hosting Plus plans are unable to have additional add-ons. eCommerce plans may have add-ons added by reaching out to [email protected].

Enable Add-ons

Once you’ve purchased add-ons, you will need to enable the feature to use it. Use the following guides to learn how to enable and setup each add-on item:

If you have purchased additional sites or storage for your WP Engine plan, your User Portal is automatically aware of the new limit and nothing additional needs to be done after purchase.

Remove Add-Ons

If you wish to remove add-ons from your plan, there are some manual steps for this detailed below.

First, ensure the add-on has been disabled, then reach out to our Support team by opening a chat in your User Portal (available 24/7) so they can confirm proper removal. Support can then ensure our Billing team has removed the charge from your invoice.

Remove Additional Sites

If you added additional sites to your shared plan, removing them from your plan will first require deleting the site(s).

For a complete guide to deleting sites, see our Environments article.

Once you have removed the Site(s), please reach out to Support or email [email protected] to request a plan change. Please include the account name and Support PIN.

Remove Multisite

Before the multisite add-on can be removed from your plan, any environments which are currently multisites will need to be converted to single-site standard WordPress environments.

Please be aware that this process involves removing any existing subsites from the multisite network, which is a destructive action. We highly encourage taking a backup of your multisites.

Learn how to convert a multisite to a single site.

Downgrade Storage

If you’ve purchased a storage upgrade and no longer need it, you must ensure your account is within the new storage limit before requesting a downgrade.

Learn how to view your plan usage here.

In some cases a migration of your sites may be required. You will be informed if this is the case upon downgrade request, at which time we can schedule the migration for an appropriate time. Any migration may also require a DNS update.

Remove Smart Plugin Manager

Smart Plugin Manager is an update service. When removing this add-on from your plan, the feature will automatically be disabled on your behalf.

Remove Application Performance Monitoring

Application Performance Monitoring is installed and managed by our team on the server. When removing this add-on from your plan, the feature will automatically be disabled on your behalf.

Remove Global Edge Security

On initial setup, Global Edge Security required you to change DNS records with your external DNS host. Before disabling this feature be sure to remove the GES records from your DNS host and replace them with alternative DNS information.

We recommend repointing to the advanced network, which is a free service similar to GES.

You can also point DNS to WP Engine using standard DNS practices.

Remove GeoTarget

GeoTarget is a feature that is enabled on our platform manually, in conjunction with the GeoTarget WordPress plugin. To remove GeoTarget, we first suggest taking backups of your environments in the User Portal.

  • First, deactivate and remove the GeoTarget plugin from your WordPress Admin dashboard for each WordPress environment with the plugin installed.
  • Second, reach out to our Support team via 24/7 live chat in your User Portal and request to disable GeoTarget for any environments it was initially enabled on.
  • Last, let our Support team know you wish to remove GeoTarget from your plan and billing. Our Support team will gather your name, Support PIN, and preferred billing recurrence (monthly or annual) and create a removal request for our Billing team to process.

NOTE: If you ever encounter questions, concerns, or issues when adding or removing account features, please reach out to WP Engine Support, available via 24/7 live chat in your User Portal.

Need more Sites?

Each Site includes Development, Staging, and Production environments. Get more Sites for your account as an add-on without upgrading your whole hosting plan.