Using Google Adsense with WordPress

Unless you’re directly marketing and selling your own products online, generating revenue on your website can be tough. There are many options to choose from, but accurately estimating their potential returns is challenging.

That’s where Google AdSense comes in. By connecting your WordPress site to AdSense, you can begin displaying ads on your website that are relevant to your audience and content. This means you can begin generating revenue easily, without alienating your visitors in the process. 

In this article, we’ll explain how to connect Google AdSense to your WordPress site. We’ll also discuss ad placement, and explore a few alternatives to AdSense. Let’s jump right in! 

What is AdSense?

AdSense is a Google product that enables you to generate revenue on your website. It works by matching ads to your site based on your content. Visitor data also contributes to how ads are generated for your website. 

The ads themselves are created and paid for by advertisers, who are looking to promote their products and services online. As the website owner, you’ll receive payment for any clicks on advertisements that appear on your site through the AdSense platform. 

Why Use Ads (and AdSense) on My WordPress Site?

Placing ads on your website can be a sound way to create recurring revenue, when it’s done correctly. However, implementing a system you can trust that doesn’t require a lot of your time and resources can be a challenge. 

One of the benefits of using AdSense is that it does nearly all of the hard work for you. You simply have to sign up, provide some basic information, and then place code snippets on your website wherever you want ads to appear.

Advertisers will then bid for the best placements. This means they will be targeting the content that makes the most sense for their ads and audiences. That process benefits you as well, since it improves the chances that the ads on your site will be closely related to your content. 

Integrating AdSense with Site Kit (In 5 Steps)

The most frustration-free way to use AdSense with your WordPress website is to install the Site Kit plugin. This is a free, open-source tool created to assist with integrating a number of Google products into your website. Let’s walk through how it works.

Step 1:  Create an AdSense Account

Your first step in getting started with AdSense is to make sure you’ve established your AdSense account

You’ll need to first provide the URL of the website where you want to place ads, along with your email address:

After clicking on Save and Continue, you’ll be prompted to sign in to the Google account you provided: 

Next, you’ll need to confirm your information, select your country, and accept the terms of service: 

You’ll then have access to your AdSense dashboard. Before you can do anything with your new account, however, you’ll need to complete your payment information. This is to ensure that the money you make using AdSense will get sent to the right place: 

In order to use AdSense on your website, you’ll need to complete a few more steps. That includes using a plugin to integrate it fully with your site.

Step 2:  Set Up Site Kit

As we mentioned earlier, Google Site Kit is a free plugin created by Google, which helps users integrate Google tools into their WordPress websites: 

To get started, you’ll need to install and activate the plugin. You can do this from your WordPress dashboard. Once you’ve activated the plugin, you’ll get access to a step-by-step setup wizard: 

You’ll first be asked to connect your website to your Google account. This is so Google can verify that you are the owner of the website: 

Once you click on Sign in with Google, you’ll be asked to confirm access between your accounts. After that, you’ll need to follow the instructions for verifying ownership. This includes allowing Google to add a verification token to your website’s code: 

When you click on Proceed, Google will add the token to your website for you. Once you’re verified as the owner of the site, you’ll be asked to allow your website to access your Google account data. Then, you just need to select Add Site to connect your site to your Google Search Console

Now that all of your accounts are connected, you’ll have access to valuable search data. You’ll be able to see what words people use to search and find your site online, and much more. This is the first step in creating a comprehensive Google marketing system for your website. 

Step 3:  Apply and Activate Your Account

If you head back to your WordPress dashboard, you’ll now have a Site Kit menu item. There you can see what Google tools have been activated, and what still needs to be connected. You’ll need to click on AdSense to complete the process:

This will take you through steps that are similar to those in the previous step. After you approve the requests for access, you’ll be taken to your AdSense dashboard. If you have not completed your payment information yet, you’ll need to do that before proceeding. 

Next, you’ll be given a string of AdSense code to place in your website’s files. You’ll need to position it between your site’s <head></head> tags: 

Once you’ve done that, make sure you check the box labeled I’ve pasted the code into my site and click on Done.

It’s worth noting there are several ways to add this code to your website. If you’re comfortable editing your theme’s files, you can access your theme’s header.php file by going to Appearance > Theme Editor in WordPress. Alternatively, you can use a plugin such as Insert Headers and Footers

Step 4:  Review the AdSense Documentation 

After completing the above steps, you’ll likely get a message letting you know that Google is reviewing your website. It might take a couple of days before you have full access to your AdSense toolkit. 

In the meantime, you can review the AdSense documentation and consider prepping your WordPress website for ads. You can do this by reviewing your site and making sure you have fresh content that’s well-optimized. This will help your website gain better ad placements and generate more revenue. 

Step 5:  Place Ads on Your WordPress site

Once your account is fully functional, you can begin placing ads on your website. To do this, you’ll use a unique AdSense code that will be provided after you’ve been approved. This code can be placed anywhere you want an ad to appear, such as in a sidebar widget

In your AdSense dashboard, you’ll also be able to view all of the settings for ads on your website, by accessing the Ads > Overview menu. There, you can enable Auto Ads and preview any changes before they go live on your website. 

Determine Placement on Your Site

If you’re new to using advertisements on your website, you’ll want to review some of Google’s own advice. It covers many beginner-friendly tips on how to set yourself up for success when placing ads on your site.

Most importantly, you need to make sure you understand how your users interact with your content. You don’t want the ads to become a barrier to readers. You’ll want to place ads next to content your visitors are likely to focus on, but be careful not to violate any AdSense policies. For example, it’s important to steer clear of creating content that mimics your site’s ads. 

WordPress Adsense Alternatives

It’s tough to beat the combination of Google and WordPress when it comes to marketing your website. However, it’s worth noting that there are alternative solutions you can check out. 

If you’re looking for options outside of Google, you can try: 

  • Amazon Native Shopping Ads: This is Amazon’s responsive ad placement service, which enables you to place relevant Amazon product ads in your content and earn revenue. 
  • PropellerAds: If you’re looking for a comprehensive toolkit with a lot of options, PropellerAds offers everything from simple ad placements to push notifications. 
  • PopCash: You can serve your site’s users time-restrained ‘pop-under’ ads with this platform, and even use it alongside AdSense. 

In particular, PopCash is a useful alternative for smaller websites. It has very low cash withdrawal requirements ($10), and you can receive payment through PayPal. Additionally, if you’re in a hurry, PopCash’s approval process is often completed within an hour

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