Global Edge Security from WP Engine and Cloudflare

Deliver consistently delightful customer experiences with enterprise-grade WordPress security from WP Engine and Cloudflare.

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What is Global Edge Security?

Global Edge Security is a high-performance advanced security solution designed to keep your sites secure while delivering a faster experience for your customers.

Deflect attacks with managed WAF

Block threats at the edge and get automatic updates to respond to emerging threats.

Protect with DDoS mitigation

Absorb attacks with protection at the network, transport, and application layers.

Speed up application performance

Deliver content faster with Cloudflare's next-generation CDN and Argo Smart Routing’s dynamic traffic routing algorithm.

DDoS Mitigation

Protect your brand from cyber attacks

As companies gather increasing amounts of personal data from customers, the consequences of data losses become increasingly large. And while digital experiences continue to evolve rapidly to meet consumer demand, so does the nefarious activity of hackers.

Avoid financial and brand reputation damage

After a security breach, companies face increasing risks of serious financial and brand reputation loss. The average cost for SMBs to repair damages is upwards of $120K per incident, for enterprises that number is $2M+.

Security report

Ready to get enterprise-grade WordPress security?

Get started today by selecting a hosting plan or adding Global Edge Security to your existing plan.

Managed Web Application Firewall

Keep hackers at bay with managed web application firewall

Our managed WAF includes rule sets tailored and managed to protect WordPress by mitigating threats. It does more than block specific IP addresses or ports, it inspects web traffic for signs of XSS or SQL injections. It also automatically responds to emerging threats, minimizing the risks from hackers employing new techniques.

Protect your business assets with DDoS mitigation

Cloudflare’s Global Anycast network absorbs highly distributed attack traffic to keep you online. Origin infrastructure is protected by detecting and dropping attacks at the edge and shared intelligence across 10M websites helps block known bad signatures.

Advanced Security
Cloudflare CDN

Improve site performance with Cloudflare's CDN

Global Edge Security caches your content across Cloudflare's global network, bringing it closer to your visitors for an improved customer experience. Deliver enterprise-level WordPress security with our advanced solution for websites.

Speed up application performance with Argo Smart Routing

Argo Smart Routing detects real-time congestion and routes web traffic across the fastest and most reliable network paths to serve traffic faster and increase performance. Some customers have seen their web assets performing up to 30% faster!

Argo Smart Routing

Get WordPress security you can trust

WP Engine's WordPress Platform meets the highest standard of WordPress security. Our platform successfully met the standards of the SOC 2 for Security and Availability Trust Services in all categories.

Ready to get enterprise-grade WordPress security?

Get started today by selecting a hosting plan or adding Global Edge Security to your existing plan.

WordPress website security FAQs